ME: Hi God!
I have always seen people say that God is our father but I have always imagined you as my friend. So today I am asking for help from my friend. God, tomorrow is my Dance exam and I am really very scared. I like to dance a lot but every year on the day of my annual exam when I go into the examination room and stand in front of the teachers, I get so nervous and feel as if I have forgotten everything I’ve learned so far. And due to current the lockdown, I wasn’t even able to practice my dance skills.
All I am asking from you is courage. Please give me the courage to go and perform nicely so that I am able to pass my dance exam with flying colors.
Your friend,
Vaibrush from the planet Earth
GOD: Hi Vaibhavi!
First of all, I would like to tell you that people can call me by whatever name they want: Dad, sibling, friend, etc. I am glad to have a friend like you and I will help you whenever you call my name.
Now I’ll come to your problem. Vaibrush, just remember that you are a great dancer. If you ask Me, I’ll say that you have practiced very hard. And when you step into the examination room just take a deep breath and dance as if there is no one in the room except you. If you still get nervous just remind yourself that your friend is with you. Just do what you are supposed to do and don’t think about the result. If you work hard the result will automatically come to you.
Your friend,
God from your heart